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Columbia8は創業者オギミ〜ル☆ により2008年、大阪 北浜でうまれました。
当時はまだ希少だった日本人がスパイスを使い作るオリジナリティ溢れるカレーがオギミ〜ル☆のキャラクターと合いまり、開業と同時に多くのメディアに取り上げられ 昨今のスパイスカレームーブメントの震源地とされています。
2018年にはミシュランガイド京都 大阪版でカレー屋として初めて掲載され、以降4年連続で掲載され大阪を代表する世界最高峰のカレーと評されています。
カレーしか 考えられへん。
Columbia8代表社長 荻野善弘 a.k.a オギミ〜ル☆
Columbia8 was born in 2008 in Kitahama, Osaka, thanks to its founder, Ogeemeal.
Back then, only a small number of people were familiar with “spice curry,” let alone spice curry made by the Japanese. Columbia8's curry, filled with originality (and founder Ogeemeal's charismatic personality), has not only attracted curry lovers but also garnered significant media attention. Numerous TV programs have featured the curry since its inception, which is how Columbia8 gained recognition as the epicenter of the recent “spice curry movement.”
In 2018, Columbia8 made its debut appearance in the Michelin Guide Kyoto Osaka, under the newly created category of “curry shop.” We have maintained our listing in the Michelin Guide for four consecutive years, with our curry receiving acclaim as an unparalleled world-class masterpiece.
We invite you to come and savor our signature curry, crafted with an array of spices, while immersing yourself in the unique atmosphere of Columbia8.
“I can only think about curry.” --Yoshihiro Ogino ( a.k.a Ogeemeal☆), founder and president of Columbia8